
Thank you for visiting Rob Shaw Astrology. Our site is all about offering information, resources and a variety of personal horoscope readings for anyone interested in astrology. For example, we intend for the general public to be entertained and challenged by our sun sign horoscopes given weekly and monthly. The pages and posts here are about giving you a good foundation of astrological knowledge and help you understand your own horoscope or “sun sign” better.

Can I learn about astrology?

Absolutely! We hope that students of astrology will use the info here to better understand the language. In 2021 Rob Shaw Astrology will begin offering a series of Zoom seminars about astrology targeting lifestyle challenges using your horoscope. Beginners and Intermediate classes in astrology will also be offered over Zoom for those wishing a deeper education in astrology.

What about astrology being a language?

The archetypes used in astrology are like word symbols of thoughts, actions and feelings. We string together words to create sentences and communication. The archetypes in astrology can be “strung together” too to form information much like a phrase or sentence of any other language. A better understanding of the language of your sign may help you understand your unconscious motivations.

Astrology is actually a broader and multi-faceted group of languages each with its own distinct zodiac and method of interpretation but all using the positions of celestial bodies in relation to Earth. Each primary variation of astrology can be entertaining and insightful whether you’re a regular follower or just casually interested. Rob Shaw practises Western Astrology only and does not combine this with any other modality.

We invite you to browse about the site and explore the fascinating ancient language called astrology. Our horoscopes by sun sign monthly here and weekly on our YouTube channel AstrologyTV.

Rob's pic

We’ve broken down our site menu into several common categories about astrology for quicker site navigation. We hope you’ll enjoy blog posts and key information pages but please feel free to make requests or suggestions by using our contact page. We also welcome comments!

Learn more about Rob Shaw here or click any links or buttons on site to learn more about astrology and the horoscope services offered.

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