Many people are not aware that having a personal horoscope reading by a professional astrologer may be helpful in providing information that can be used in daily life. Others enjoy astrology for its entertainment value. Our FAQ covers the most frequently asked questions
Where do you get your astrology and horoscope information?
Most sun sign astrology apps and web sites use computer generated information. Rob Shaw personally records all audio and video and writes all daily, weekly or monthly sun sign forecasts and articles here in these web pages and at our affiliate media. Rob Shaw has practised astrology for over 40 years and draws information from traditional tropical western astrology, and his own knowledge and experience and based on submitted birth data.
Who will do my horoscope reading?
All horoscope readings for clients are personally conducted by Rob Shaw, by appointment only on Zoom. Monthly paid subscription forecasts are created solely by Rob Shaw using a client’s unique horoscope chart.
What is a horoscope reading and what can I expect from one?
A horoscope is a map of the heavens at your hour of birth. In the same way that a meteorologist can create maps showing atmospheric changes and movements to predict the weather, an astrologer uses planetary changes and movements primarily to forecast events in your life.
Isn’t that like mystic mumbo jumbo or something?
No, astrology is an art form that has endured and evolved over 5000 years of practice. The Three Wise Men mentioned in the bible were magi who practised astrology which at that time was well-regarded although tied to religion. Most astrologers today practise their craft more like consultants although some may use their personal version of faith and spirituality in their practice. Astrology dovetails nicely with certain philosophies of spirituality and mythology, or other theoretical practices used to guide and understand people like some health therapies, psychiatry, psychology, and religious instruction, rituals or practices. Many astrologers have a licensed background or education in another professional fields or another spiritual or health practice. Some astrologers focus just on being an astrologer offering advice using their interpretations of the astrological cycles and may have one or more specialised astrological skills.
What will buying a horoscope reading do for me or anybody?
It may bring greater insight into the client’s own personal affairs or pathways taken in life. It may do nothing. It may reveal hidden talents or gifts not being utilized, or areas where time or money may be wasted. It may just be entertaining or intriguing to hear a stranger tell you about yourself. It may be eye-opening or just confirm a lot of what you think you already know. Everyone’s experience is different because much of what a horoscope reading will do for anyone is based on what they do with the information given.
How can I get a personal horoscope reading?
The best way is in person but being the age of the internet and a pandemic online is the preferred way to go now. Technology has caught up enough to enable person to person video calling and Zoom is the best way to have your horoscope reading. It is private and the reading can be recorded on your end for future review. Rob Shaw Astrology does not record the horoscope reading at all so the client must if they want a permanent record of the meeting. Phone calls or other methods are not suitable; an internet video connection is therefore required for a personal horoscope reading.
I don’t have Zoom, can Facebook or WhatsApp work?
Most any peer to peer video connection can be used but Zoom provides the best ease for recording and is secure between two private individuals. Rob Shaw Astrology does not subscribe to Facebook but another video conference app may work such as WhatsApp or Google Meeting, etc. The reading does not have to be recorded; that is entirely up to the client. Zoom is a free app available here.
How long will a reading take?
If this is your first reading with Rob Shaw Astrology it is best to have a one hour reading as a lot of information is shared. Follow up clients can opt for a one half hour update reading at any time they wish. There will be time for questions in each meeting but the client should be at the appointment to hear what the astrologer has to say and not offer information unless asked. That sounds rude, sorry, but some people get excited and don’t listen to the information being given and instead do all the talking wasting their money. Readings cannot go overtime and must be completed in 1 hour or 1/2 hour as recorded.
What is the cost and how do I pay?
The rates for each reading is listed on their particular info page: Adult Horoscope Reading, Child Horoscope Reading, or Past Life Reading. These rates may be subject to discount during special promos or with use of a registered Rob Shaw Astrology gift certificate. Payment is accepted by eTransfer or PayPal when your chosen appointment time is confirmed and must be paid in advance of the appointment.
How does a paid monthly subscription work tie in with a horoscope reading?
A paid monthly horoscope subscription gives a client a monthly horoscope update using current planetary cycles and is based on each client’s unique horoscope chart. After a full personal horoscope reading, a client may purchase a 6-month or 12-month forecast delivered via email and in the format they choose. A personal horoscope reading does not include a monthly or annual forecast; these must be purchased separately. Some clients choose to renew an annual monthly subscription to keep on top of current life trends.
Is my information kept confidential and private?
All information shared is private during a Zoom meeting and only recorded by you if you so choose. Our Privacy Policy is here. Rob Shaw has practised astrology for over 40 years remaining confidential to thousands of past clients understanding the value and ethics of trust established during the reading. All information discussed and revealed between client and astrologer is not shared with others except in anonymous fashion for research, articles and educating students.
This may be a great idea for someone I know. Do you have gift certificates?
We do have gift certificates available. Check out purchase info here.
Hmmm, okay where can I book an appointment?
That’s great! Click here to fill in your birth data and choose an appointment time convenient for you. Please read our agreement form here.
I would just like to subscribe to your monthly free horoscopes and newsletter I think.
No problem, just click here.
I’m curious about astrology where could I learn more about it?
We think the best place is with our Education button on our top-level menu. As we are always in process of building the site more astrology information will be available ongoing. For now we have a lot of info to share about the signs and planets. One of the best sources for accurate horoscope casting and basic astrology information is We do not have any paid affiliation with them.