Agreement of Services

agreement handshake

By clicking on “subscribe”, “submit’, “register”, “buy now” or any other button, form or page at Rob Shaw Astrology you also agree to accept the following agreement of services.

  1. Rob Shaw conducts personal horoscope readings and Rob Shaw Astrology business in English only. We apologize and hope to speak more languages in the next lifetime. We provide personal horoscope readings only to the client requesting the reading and using their own birth data.
  2. We do not read another person’s horoscope to other people except in the case of dependent children under age 18 when a child’s or young teenager’s horoscope reading may be given to one or both parents. Once a child reaches legal age of 18 in Canada they do not need a parent’s consent or presence during a reading and parents of adult children (18 or over) must obtain their adult child’s consent for a reading to be given to the parents. For children and youth aged 11-17 they may be present during the reading and both parents should be as well if possible.
  3. We cannot guarantee any outcome discussed during the reading, seminar or paid subscription service. The information and advice given is in the spirit of guidance as a consultant based on planetary cycles contained in a personal horoscope. Our goal is to guide the client to better decision making when obtaining a personal reading using their horoscope. Rob Shaw Astrology has no influence on the stars, people, events, or outcomes and you agree and accept that information discussed during any appointment is acted upon solely at your own discretion.
  4. We conduct personal appointments only as live Zoom meetings for mutual security reasons but we cannot guarantee the reliability of client internet apps and connections. Please aim for a personal appointment time where you have the highest bandwidth to have best video and recording results. Setting your recording bandwidth to best settings to improve your video recording quality is also requested (this may mean telling the kids, spouse or cat to get off the internet).
  5. We guarantee the security and privacy of information exchanged during the meeting as no information is retained by Rob Shaw Astrology except for digital format horoscopes and information to be used for any future horoscope appointment or subscription service. Zoom meetings are live and not recorded by Rob Shaw Astrology but may be recorded by the client. No personal information about any client is retained in any recorded manner by Rob Shaw Astrology except the client contact and subscription information. Our client information is not shared with any other party except for conducting some of our services through apps or SaaS such as Mailchimp. This is expressly to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of our meeting and the information shared between us. Any recorded personal information given, such as in our monthly horoscope subscription forecasts in text, audio or video format are deleted from our servers after 30 days.
  6. Clients may record their personal horoscope readings through Zoom during the appointment for their own personal record and it is recommended they be alone when doing so. These recorded appointments, and recorded monthly or personal horoscopes sent via subscription by email are for the sole, private use of the client. These may not be resent, reproduced or reposted anywhere in print, digital, or social media, or on the internet. Rob Shaw Astrology does not give permission for the use or reuse of the recorded text, images, video sent, or for any image, likeness or voice audio recording of Rob Shaw. No consent is given for portrayal of Rob Shaw’s person or the business known as Rob Shaw Astrology, other than as a private record of the meeting or subscription information for private viewing by the client. No other reproduction or reuse of any client horoscope reading is authorized and you agree that this is understood. In turn your private and identifying information is never shared with other parties. Anonymous horoscopes which are not personally identifiable are used in classroom settings and through online learning only by Rob Shaw Astrology. We are very serious about our online security and yours.
  7. Refunds cannot be given for any reason but we’re humans still and if any issue arose from a reading contact us for discussion and resolution. We aim to help our clients but the fee is for services rendered only for the appointed time(s), or for gift certificate(s). Subsequent, overtime and future appointments are subject to usual fees or an hourly rate of $150.00/hour CAD and missed appointments will be subject to 25% surcharges for re-booking payable in advance.
  8. Any gift certificate for a discounted or free reading won or obtained by another client or by special promotion and at partial or no cost to the client would have to be redeemed within one year from the date of receipt of the gift certificate, promo or free reading.
  9. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for any security concerns, or FAQ for more info, or contact us with any questions.

Thank you for checking us out or for being a client and subscriber! On to your purchase.