
Mars Retrograde 2024-2025 Through the Sun Signs

Mars retrograde cycles tend to bring up issues that require you to act on or react to one or more conditions that are not in proper balance in your life. Any situation that comes up (or returns) is likely to involve you personally versus someone else or another entity in conflict with your needs or desires. It often takes your intervention or direct energies to fix the problem. It’s important to try not to react too quickly when Mars is retrograde. It’s best to take care and caution in most endeavours during this period.

Improvements to any system or relationship(s) are possible once Mars moves direct again. Some people may say goodbye to certain people, behaviours or activities as they re-apply themselves to their own activities but with changes. Even if Mars retrograde by transiting degree does not affect your horoscope personally (unlikely given the length of the ecliptic traveled while retrograde), it may still indicate areas of your life where struggles may ensue and that may be beyond your control. Mars is a planet that is very involved with power and Mars retrogrades are generally periods where Martian style conflicts, power struggles, and other aggressive actions may be strongly highlighted.

The potential global impact of this latest Mars retrograde cycle is addressed in my article published at the CAAE. Here, I share my thoughts on how this Mars retrograde may affect you personally based on your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign/ascendant or midheaven. Keep in mind the various contacts this Mars retrograde makes by transit until it returns to direct motion, particularly its opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. In general, you are more likely to be affected by Mars retrograde while it is aspecting other planets in your natal horoscope. How these effects may be felt, and with whom can be determined by the planetary aspects and the house and sign positions of the involved planets.

Image by Manuel Torres Garcia from Pixabay

The Modalities

If you are a cardinal sun sign born after these dates: Aries born after April 6, Cancers born after July 7, Libras born after October 8, or Capricorns born after January 7, you may feel any influences more in January and beyond after Mars retrogrades back into Cancer. This group may feel the effects more personally and have to deal with power struggles, conflicts, catastrophic losses, some possibly caught up in events beyond their control due to government elections, overthrows, or legal changes, wars, coups, revolts and conflicts of all kinds. This largely due to Mars in opposition to Pluto during this cycle; some of these events will affect all signs of course. Some may choose to make important or larger changes in several areas of their life and find more positive results through continued effort.

It may be difficult for these cardinal signs to avoid the more challenging effects of this retrograde once Mars retreats into the cardinal sign Cancer. But remember that within this cycle there may also be opportunities to fix and rebuild what caused the breakdowns in the first place. Perhaps without you having a choice in the matter at first. Some may experience the breakdown of machinery, but just as when your car (Mars) breaks down and requires a tow and major repair, equipment breakdowns can be repaired or replaced. Although destruction and tear-down can be a part of any Mars-Pluto cycle the other side of that coin is renovation and renewal. With Pluto’s involvement here the lessons to learn or the changes to be made will take some time. Personal, family and marital relationships that are out of balance, or where problems have simmered for some time may face the greatest challenges for cardinal signs.

Fixed sun signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius may be challenged more in the early part of Mars retrograde from Dec 6th to Jan 5th while it is retrograde in Leo and opposing Pluto. Particularly those born in the early part of their sign: Taurus’s born before May 1, Leos born before July 31, Scorpios born before Nov 2, and Aquarians born before Feb 1 may feel more pressure than their sign siblings. However, they may undertake the greatest recoveries as Mars returns to direct motion and enters Leo again after April 18th. Issues that involve power struggles, conflicts of egos, and passive, or overtly aggressive power plays are common for these signs, especially where finances and possessions are concerned.

Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces may feel the least amount of influence from this Mars retrograde, yet as supportive mutable signs, you may be called upon to clean up the messes created by other signs! Everybody gets busy during strong Mars cycles so expect some potential to be “sucked into the vortex” of polarizing and topsy-turvy conflicts indicated by the Mars retrograde opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. Most changes for Gemini and Sagittarius will occur in December with Virgo and Pisces benefitting more from the retrograde Mars in late January and into February. Although Mars is not retrograde in a mutable sign, its opposition to Pluto has a greater effect on everybody in general. Mutable signs may face difficulties for themselves or others that involve health crises or governmental changes due to elections, revolts, or revision of policies and procedures. Also, issues around travel, immigration and education may occur. Generally, as Mars retrograde will make softer aspects to any planets in mutable signs many issues may find a positive resolution eventually.

Image by Enrique from Pixabay

The Elements

Early degree Fire signs born before these dates: Aries born before March 30, Leos born before July 30 or Sagittarians born before Dec 1 may actually experience a big step forward after this configuration is over. If the retrograde Mars in Leo connects positively with other fire signs planets, then progress can be made but again, a deconstruction may have to occur first during a retrograde cycle. Some fire signs may deal with things beyond their control but which they may be called upon directly to fix, while others may find things less destructive but still life-changing. For all signs, sudden and fiery conflicts may occur but also create a positive period of growth and renewal in the near future. Eventually, because of the planetary aspects the late-stage Mars retrograde will contact by transit, and also once it turns direct again, you may be called upon to redo something but more to your satisfaction.

Earth signs born after these dates: Taurus’s born after May 7, Virgos born after Sep 9 and Capricorns born after January 11 may find benefits from this configuration, although perhaps after some struggles. Your own natural stubbornness may dictate how painful things will be if you resist going with the flow. When Mars retrogrades into Cancer it’s likely that the earth signs will attract challenges relating to resisting change, or a need for regrowth or renovation. A return to something that worked well before, but with a couple tweaks, may be all that is needed. Don’t be afraid to “till new soil” to encourage something very positive to grow in time. Take a good look at material resources now to see if you are investing as wisely as you should be for the current times.

Early born air signs: Geminis born in May, Librans born in September, Aquarians born in January may find themselves swept up into some wonderfully positive new chapters in their lives that may feel like a dream come true – but maybe only after working through some major changes, challenges or disputes first. And also perhaps, after having waited a very long time. Try to avoid being attached to the old and negative or unreal, and go with those feelings of clarity, hope and vigor to help things flow more smoothly into new directions or relationships. Get working during a Mars retrograde and just watch what you may achieve. Don’t rush things, instead use your abilities at fine detail and dig deeper to find your answers. Later air signs, those born in June, October and February may feel fewer positive effects, but not necessarily more negative effects if planets in your horoscope are not directly impacted. Maybe your best approach now is to be like Switzerland and be neutral when faced with conflicts. Let the others fight if they wish, but remember your mediation and communication skills and use them when necessary.

The water signs: Cancers born after July 6, Scorpios born after Nov 10, and Pisces born after March 8 may be more affected by Mars going retrograde in Cancer after Jan 6, 2025. And those effects may end up turning things around for you and becoming very positive once again. Or was this because you worked very hard to turn things around for yourself up to this point? Likely the latter, but the water signs may greatly benefit after the Mars retrograde cycle as it returns to direct status in the sign of Cancer. The Venus-Neptune conjunction of early February will trine retrograde Mars in Cancer. Once Mars stations and returns direct, the water signs should experience renewed energy and better vitality, perfect for the new beginnings many may find themselves undertaking in the late winter. This may be a good time for you to invest in real estate or another financial investment or health insurance plan to build security.

For all signs, remember the Mars retrograde is a time when we renegotiate, retrace steps, and repair or renovate anything related to Mars. For most of us this involves with whom, what or where we spend our energy and activities. Whether at work, at home or in the community both locally and globally, conflicts or impasses can be resolved. All retrogrades are a call to action by the Universe to slow down and pay attention to what’s in front of us, or what we’ve ignored for too long. Pluto opposing this Mars retrograde challenges all of us to dig deeper to find those solutions, and to work harder to make the reconstruction last longer. If a balance is not achieved, destruction and ruin may reign for longer than is really necessary.
Mars is often a catalyst for change and this retrograde period, as Mars returns direct with a trine to Saturn in Pisces, many may find the changes made are working more in their favour.

Let’s see how positive or negative these challenges may be by looking at how Mars retrograde may affect your individual sun sign. The interpretations below may fit for your sun sign, your moon sign, or also your rising sign or midheaven sign. E.g. If you are Leo sun, Aries moon, a Virgo rising with a Gemini midheaven then read up on all four signs. Just apply the descriptions to what the sun, moon, ascendant, or midheaven governs in your personal horoscope.

Mars Retrograde Through the Sun Signs

Aries the Ram
Aries the Ram

This Mars retrograde signifies the potential to regain your power, strength and vitality. Especially if you have faced illness before this cycle, now is the time to address it and do whatever you need to be as healthy as possible. Even without illness, take a look at all your activities and see where you can improve nutrition, activity levels, and even fun and games! Some of you may be faced with surgery, and if not to your own body to repair a health problem, then perhaps you need to look at other areas of your life, and with surgical precision “cut out” those people or situations that are not doing you any good. Question any relationships that have outlived any positive affect for you but retain those that are working. Take a look at where you may actually save some money by replacing any machinery or appliance that is not working to full capacity. “Out with the old and in with the new” may be your attitude lately but take care not to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” by rushing. The retrograde Mars-Pluto opposition may energize you. Some people may not enjoy your more willful nature during this time. But as long as you are not behaving like a petty tyrant to get your own way, maybe it’s time to use the power and energy you have to make a better life for yourself to last a longer time.

Taurus the Bull
Taurus the Bull

The Mars retrograde opposing Pluto this cycle may be a little unkind to some Taureans. The conflicts indicated by this cycle will greatly affect world finances and that could spell disaster for some stock markets and investments. Take a very good look at your financial picture to determine if you need to make changes and don’t hesitate to get second opinions. Taurus is a pro at playing the waiting game to weather financial fluctuations, but with Uranus in your sign now you may be feeling encouraged to move in a completely new direction. That’s probably okay as long as you do your due diligence. Sometimes, since you’re so stubborn, the Universe seems to put these kinds of cycles into play to force some people to make moves they wouldn’t do at other times. Often by not giving you much choice! If that’s the case, take a good look at whether it is worth continuing a conflict or might it be better to cut your losses and go in that new direction. Real estate, finances and investments are likely highlighted now but your good “nose for a deal” may help you make some good decisions or investments that could prove very fruitful in the future.

Gemini the Twins
Gemini the Twins

Many Twins have been challenged with very full schedules for most of this past year, partly because you find it hard to say “no” at times. The Mars retrograde opposite Pluto may bring about intense power struggles in relationships. This could be essential to you because you love your freedom and lack of commitment. Some Geminis may find themselves in relationships they want out of because they feel oppressed or taken for granted, others may find themselves wanting to strengthen the bonds of relationship with someone or something. In either case, it is important to discuss expectations that each may have from the other or the relationship itself. If you feel there are more positive reasons to be in relationship, then determine the roles and responsibilities to create the ground rules. If the relationship has outlived its usefulness, then it may have to be questioned. Be brutally honest about what you want versus what you need because what you desire may not be what’s best for you but what you need is. Certainly, your personal safety and independence are of utmost importance and there is nothing wrong with interdependence with others. Just make sure it really is a two-way street. The Mars retrograde will show you where you need to bring better balance in relationships. Make sure your thoughts, feelings and needs are stated and heard when needed and if they are not appreciated then decide what to do next. My money is on Pluto in Aquarius very slowly making everything right for you going forward. Especially when Uranus moves into your sign later in the year.

Cancer the Crab
Cancer the Crab

Mars retrograde may have started in Leo but it’s spending most of the cycle in your sign Cancer. This means that all that Mars represents has become more immediate to you. Your activities, energy level, relationships, and all the “systems” of your life you thought were all humming along smoothly are taking prominence now. Yes, you can expect challenges and changes in one or more of these levels but this is actually good news. Like Taurus, you abhor change and no more so than when change is out of your personal control. That’s when you get stubborn, or erratic and emotional. This is what Mars retrograde is like for some people; it has you face directly what you can control and what you cannot. What you like to control is anything that serves to bring security to you and your family and home. So, you tend to stock up and reserve (some say collect) a lot of stuff over time. This Mars retro cycle is requiring you to take an inventory of your life. It’s likely time to purge; pack up and get rid of what has no use to you anymore. Box up what you don’t need and donate it to someone or some charity that does. You may also have noticed lately that some people in your life are really there for you still, but some are not. Perhaps there are ego or power conflicts and nothing more to gain from these people or relationships. Or maybe you need to speak up about what you really want and need. Regardless, you will have a much better picture of who and what to keep in your life, and who or what has to change or leave it. When the going gets tough, you go into defense mode and will ensure you and your family are safe from harm. So quit complaining that no one is there for you because you are, and you can be more self-reliant if you only put your energy into that. New beginnings are required now so dig deep and ensure you’re doing what’s best for you and your family.

Leo the Lion
Leo the Lion

This Mars retrograde cycle started in your sign Leo but it began opposing Pluto in Aquarius while in Cancer, and its station and direct return is in Cancer, so what does this mean for you? Well, for many Leos this means the changes and challenges will be felt much more inwardly. You may have to examine your own psychology, your ego needs, your sense of power and self-control; all of these deeper parts of yourself and personality are now being highlighted. Oh yes, some of you may be caught up in ego or power struggles now perhaps with a government or social health care, but again, if you dig deeper into your own psyche, you may discover that what you are fighting for has changed. Old, outworn ideals, habits, behaviours and thought processes even, especially in regards to your relationships may be challenged now. By yourself or others. Within you is where the conflict may actually reside. Ensure that any health problems that may arise are attended to now, but full recovery from health issues may take longer than you would like. The Universe is giving you a wonderful opportunity now to change profoundly, and in ways that could be advantageous for you in the long-range. But, if you are headstrong Leo you may try to be bullying or aggressive with having things your way during this time. Be careful you don’t lose friends unless that is your desire. Certainly, defend yourself vigorously from any attack or, maybe just walk away agreeing to disagree? Go to any negotiating table now with a true desire for compromise and resolution and you just may be able to create some miraculous and wonderful changes for yourself. But in time. Invest wisely in yourself and the good relationships you’ve created. Any relationships or situations that fall to the wayside are possibly meant to be to allow the new groundwork already in progress.

Virgo the Virgin
Virgo the Virgin

Your naturally neurotic reactions to stress may be seen now as things just don’t go the way they’re supposed to during retrograde cycles and that may have you on edge. It is during stressful aspects that your worst traits may be seen Virgo due to personal insecurities. Yet, as the wounded healers of the zodiac it is during these times that your best talents are often called upon and utilized for the benefit of others. Any conflicts may at first bring out your reactionary responses, and some may be self-destructive or counter-productive. But once you calm down and collect yourself you can move into “repair” mode and then set about analyzing and fixing the problem in your practical way. Or that may be training or retraining people as education is a career choice for you. Currently, the world is weathering a multitude of crises and it appears to be going in all kinds of wrong directions. Thankfully, there is a sobering effect of Mars retrograde in opposition to Pluto that can help you maximize emotional intelligence now. Your own reactions to people and situations beyond your control may now be very revealing to you. Great! But you shouldn’t take the time to feel guilty and blame yourself or others now though as there is a more urgent need for your practical and outstanding abilities to help yourself and others. Stop grieving and begin accepting where you are now. Leave the past behind Virgo and lay new foundations in your life that are a more honest and positive reflection of what you have to offer yourself and others. If you stop hiding your light in the shadows and get out into the community you’ll feel a greater connection with others. And thereby, a greater connection to understanding yourself and what you’re here to do perhaps.

Libra the Scales
Libra the Scales

As a cardinal sign you like to be in control of yourself and your own life. Fortunately, being Venus-ruled you are not normally aggressive or even highly energetic at times, preferring fun, art and aesthetics over hard work. Like the other zodiac signs, you may have experienced painful conflicts, losses or have been drawn into control or power plays with people in the recent past or still currently. Your sign must strive for balance in your life—but you can determine what that balance is much more right now. Like I’ve advised other signs, if you are facing ego conflicts or power plays, oppressive or aggressive behaviours with others now, frankly, this is the time to resolve those. Most Librans have had just about enough of other people’s nonsense and the fastest way to resolve a problem now is walk away from it. However, it may be better to take a directly confrontational approach and tell people what you expect and what you need from them. Defend yourself from attacks if necessary. People will find out why Librans do well in pugilism, military and nearly any other area that upholds the law and government. But are you certain that you are correct about things? Your hidden strength Libra is your knowledge of justice–what is right and what is wrong–so take some time now to figure it out before you act. The Mars retrograde opposite Pluto now is actually helping you bring balance to your life where it is needed. It is likely not necessary to bring out your prizefighter skills but isn’t it wonderful to have rediscovered your own strengths and powers again? Pluto in Aquarius, in the long run, is in a great place to help you lay new roots somewhere else if necessary, or it can help you strengthen any new ground you are already firmly developing. The goal is to look out for yourself, figure out what’s best for you, and take care of yourself now. A better, stronger you is more capable of helping others when the time is right. It’s time to balance the scales Libra.

Scorpio the Scorpion
Scorpio the Scorpion

Your former traditional planetary ruler (Mars) and your current planetary ruler (Pluto) make up a formidable combination. When these two planets work together, they literally can move mountains and excavate deep foundations to eventually build superstructures. (These are not fantastical statements; the horoscopes of many people managing or working in building or renovation of large projects have Mars-Pluto contacts in appropriate work/career houses, signs and aspects.) On a more personal level, this combo is still formidable. In opposition Mars and Pluto can build bridges of cooperation or be at complete odds with one another, and possibly a bit of both. You should benefit from this Mars retro cycle as you are the most resourceful sign of the zodiac. Scorpio can be great providers and often are amazing at problem solving. Your planetary ruler Pluto in opposition to Mars may especially highlight the natural involvement of Scorpio in positions of power and/or situations that deal with control. This Mars retrograde opposition may prove to be challenging for some Scorpios but in the long-run, many may benefit greatly. Your Pluto rulership indicates your love of playing the detective, as you will take all the time needed, rarely giving up, as you follow the details and dig for clues and answers. Especially the later-born Scorpios, those born around Nov 8th and after, should benefit the most due to retro Mars in Cancer likely trining your Scorpio sun or other placements. This could enable wonderful growth in your power or help reserve energy or resources, immediately after Mars in Cancer stations and goes direct again in February. In other words, don’t fear investing in yourself, your present and your future. One caveat: watch your own thirst for power and control doesn’t get out of hand or the Universe might smack you down a bit. In other words, a kick in the backside during this cycle is intended to steer you back onto the right pathway. Resist taking any “questionable” shortcuts and keep your faith in a positive outcome due to your own efforts for best results. If Neptune in late-degree Pisces creates a grand trine for your horoscope between the Mars in Cancer and a Scorpio planet you should expect things to go much easier for you for a while.

Sagittarius the Archer
Sagittarius the Archer

Most Sagittarians were already flying high when Mars in Leo began opposing Pluto in the autumn. You may have gained greatly in power or in your career. Once Mars in Leo stationed in early December forming trines for some Sagittarius planets, and in spite of a Mercury retrograde, most Archers should have/had a wonderful December 2024. Okay, so Mercury retro and Mars opposite Pluto may have brought some power and control issues to the surface but the only thing Sagittarius usually wants to control is their own freedom. Try to tie down any Archer against their will and you may discover their distaste for commitment in a rude awakening. Oddly, when they so choose, Sagittarius can commit in a HUGE way to something they really believe in. Now, when Mars-Pluto is bringing up potential for creating foundations that could bring even more freedom to your life, now we’re speaking the language of Sagittarius. Passionate adventure is what they live for and this period may provide some. Any part of your life that appears to be out of control or imbalanced should require the most attention. But there are likely many other areas of life working very well for you now. Look at those too. Generally, you Archers prefer to have fun but there may not be a lot of time for that now. You would be better off looking at where you could invest time or money to grow your life. Yes, that seems counter-productive now when the world appears to be cracking up in places but this is when you thrive. Your sign and ruling planet Jupiter are great symbols of healing. You are also great at organizing and event-planning to ensure everyone has fun and a good time and may be called upon to entertain. Put your skills to use now and watch how the planetary aspects that are part of the Mars retro opposite Pluto assist you in unexpected ways. Be open to a new career or avocation. It’s my opinion that for your sign in particular, once Neptune and Saturn move into Aries, and Uranus moves into Gemini in 2025, you’ll see how this Mars cycle was part of the process to push you into new, unexpected places, and maybe with some new people and interests. Where in your life all this success is happening is indicated by the houses where the Mars-Pluto opposition and other transiting planetary or natal aspects occur.

Capricorn the Sea-Goat
Capricorn the Sea-Goat

Much of the Mars-Pluto opposition cycle is happening during Capricorn time, which occurs as we move from one year to another. Most transitions to a new year could appear seamless if we didn’t measure it with a lot of hoopla and celebration. A New Year symbol is the image of an old man representing the old year passing away or transform into baby New Year. Transformation is at the heart of Plutonian energy and it symbolizes a wide range of polarities or changes that could occur. Returning to a place you’ve been before is possible now. At the heart of Pluto is the theory that matter (Mars) cannot be destroyed, only transformed. The nature of Capricorn as a sign is to be a survivor of everything. They strive and endure when all other signs fall apart. Now imagine the planet Mars in Cancer in opposition to Capricorn planets and you have the cooperation/conflict dichotomy of the opposition aspect in two signs that are very self-concerned. But they are also concerned about their responsibilities to the home and/or job/public community. On a global level we can understand why the Mars retro opposite Pluto is so powerful for all signs. On a personal level for you Capricorn the same really applies. When faced with any conflict or challenge now you can choose to build bridges of cooperation or allow ego or selfish concerns to add to greater conflict. If you are defending yourself, by all means hold your own as you know you can. Best advice for Capricorn while retro Mars is in Cancer is if it’s not your conflict, then stay out of it but be ready to help pick up the pieces once the dust settles. You prefer to sweep things under the carpet, but you are being offered a rare opportunity now to truly transform yourself. The “old ways” may not hold up anymore. It would be a shame for you not to seize any opportunity to grow, or build new foundations and structures in your personal or professional life. Stand firm for what you believe in but be open to the need for changes in the long-term. If you’re too obstinate or egotistical now you’re going to get hurt or hurt others. Being a tyrant may get what you want but you’ll lose friends.

Aquarius the Waterbearer
Aquarius the Waterbearer

The Mars retrograde which began in December in the sign of Leo may not only have been opposing Pluto at that time, this configuration may also have aligned with another planet in Aquarius in your nativity. For example, if you are a very early Aquarius born in late January you may have had Pluto conjunct your Sun or close to it at the time. Most people experiencing Pluto by transit conjunct their Sun (especially or conjunct another planet) will go through a period of transformation. This Mars-Pluto opposition cycle may help fix issues, or at least get you to look at any power imbalances in your life that need changing. These most likely are going to occur in your closest relationships. Aquarians tend to avoid emotional conflicts and issues but the Mars retrograde opposing Pluto likely won’t allow that. In the same way that humanity is challenged globally by politics, so too may the Aquarian individual be challenged now. Find a way to get your multiple talents and bizarre ways to work together and come up with a EUREKA moment or miracle solution. For what? For exactly whatever this Mars-Pluto opposition is highlighting in your life. In true Aquarius fashion that could be nearly anything but if you take your time, don’t give up and keep at it, you will find a cure for whatever is ailing you at the moment. Not only that, expect 2025 to bring a lot of new and creative beginnings. Plan to lay new foundations of growth now to make that happen later. The near-future may get very real for Aquarius, but potentially in some very positive ways.

Pisces the Fishes
Pisces the Fishes

A Mars retrograde opposing Pluto could scare the heck out of Pisces as its influences can be powerful. Pisces is a sign that does not respond well to power plays, aggression or conflict, issues these two planets may raise. Easily frightened, kind and gentle Pisces may often be the victims of other people’s aggression, oppression and control tactics. Like anyone that is victimized so often, Pisces can over time develop some pretty amazing defense tactics and passive aggression is definitely part of the arsenal as they usually dislike direct confrontation. Not all Pisces people are an easy pushover. What I’m pointing out is that if you are faced with any conflicts now ask yourself, “who is the real victim here and does there have to be one?” Mars retrograde has a way of bringing people or situations back from your past but leave the past behind now Pisces and look at how you can fix the present. Where can you dig in deeper, perhaps work harder or smarter and lay some new groundwork to create a more balanced life or work/hobby activity that brings you joy? The supportive aspects to the retro Mars in opposition to Pluto, primarily your ruling planet Neptune in late degrees of your sign Pisces should give you a very positive support structure to help you succeed at whatever you’re working on now. Keep the faith in yourself! You really can be an inspiration to others at times and this Mars retrograde cycle is perfect for you to rediscover your own hidden powers. Maybe it’s time you should speak up to let people know your boundaries. Don’t accept bullying or disrespectful behaviour. Best results for you could occur just as we go into Pisces season in late February. Heal! Inspire! Create! Should be your mantra for 2025.

Whether you are a student or teacher of astrology or thinking of becoming one, let’s hear your ideas/questions at the CAAE’s social media sites of how this Mars retrograde may herald a new year of changes!

Read more about other planetary retrogrades here.

Visit the Canadian Association of Astrological Education web site – The CAAE

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